The Diary Of ...

"The time has come," the walrus said, "to talk of many things."

Saturday, July 08, 2006

the answer to "what's up?"

I'm living a killer month, i must have mentally smoked a million cigarettes (u cant ban them from my head, mr. health minister)

I've started studying in the library which is a really bad idea because of the graveyard silence, the zombies buried in books and the sedating whir of airconditioning.
But the upside of it is that there is always a sleepy friend you can trudge along with to the nescafe stall for a quick caffeine-fix.
But three cups of Coffee in a space of one hour however can send you in a state of hyper-alertness and tingling euphorism that makes you jump up and giggle whenever anyone so much as clears his throat.

But the coffee was necessary because I was posted at the RML emergency.

Which brings me to the deconstruction of the romantic ER myth. No, there are no doctors in blood stained scrubs yelling orders ("CBC, EKG, BLAH") and performing resuscitation (BAG HIM!) on some gun-shot victim being wheeled in on the trolley. There is no mad rush and urgent heroism. Its very sedate and sanitary really.

Tennis. I've been playing tennis with my cousins who have the best shoes on clay and I lost 21 straight games but loved every minute of it.
My brothers had passes to watch the portugal-france game at meridian but i dont care now, germany lost, nothing matters anymore.I also finally read 'who moved my cheese'. I
also realized that 'Kabhie Kabhie' is the most romantic song ever sung.

But maybe the real answer to "what's up?" is "ahh, nothin much".


  • At 10:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well, the real answer, actually, is
    "Don't know, never been there."
    And tennis, (*wailing*) I can oly watch it, can't play it, to be able to play must feel good!

  • At 10:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    well written as always, i wonder how the topics hot u ?? coz they never hit ppl like me. hehe

  • At 10:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    that was supposed to be hit u ; spelling error.

  • At 9:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Qnb, you gotta write something!


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