The Diary Of ...

"The time has come," the walrus said, "to talk of many things."

Sunday, May 07, 2006

I'm reading ...

The Great Collection of Oscar Wilde.

I only get time to read it early in the morning for which I've had to sacrifice the newspaper. Most of it I've already read - the ones I hadn't include De Profundis, the deeply disturbing autobiographical letter he wrote to Lord Douglas but which I left halfway because it's a very, very long letter.

Rereading the plays is fun. It's nice to think that once upon a time, people had the time to talk in long, elaborately witty sentences.

I tried to get my brother to read it but he just snorted disapproval as if to say that 'real men don't read oscar wilde'.

When and how did the battle of the sexes extend to reading?

I read this article by C P Surendran
which was pretty entertaining except for the fact that it seems to classify people into three types -

1) women, who read soppy, romantic books like 'pride and prejudice'

2) men, who read books on rugged machismo like 'the outsider'

3) women who think (and read?) like men

And where does that leave men who read books by austen, bronte and wilde?

men who think like women?

and god knows, no man wants to be known like that.

... and the battle rages on.

(note to self - buy 'the outsider')


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