The Diary Of ...

"The time has come," the walrus said, "to talk of many things."

Friday, June 16, 2006

pleasure-pain versus pain-pleasure

I was thinking the other day (yeah, yeah) and realized that most decisions in life boil down to a simple choice - pleasure now, pain later versus pain now pleasure later.

So, while the generally accepted view is that Life is short and we should live in the Now, we must also remember that thanks to better healthcare and stronger bungee ropes, Life can actually stretch for a very long time.

So question is, which is the logical choice to make?
Slog now to enjoy the spoils at leisure later, or have a blast now because the future might not even happen?

There is a third option which is to take pleasure in the pain in anticpation of future pleasure.
But the only two types of people who do that are Ayn Rand's heroes and mental patients.

Then of course, it was time to watch T.V. and I stopped thinking.


  • At 10:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    thinking interspersing ur decision making . good , signs of being organised . well there r ppl who r instinctive n make decisions instinctively.
    there r others who are just plain lazy n more than ready to be swept away with the tide of fate i.e no decisions at all.
    {random thoughts , sorry if u find them like ..ughh..}

  • At 10:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    thinking interspersing ur decisoin making , good. signs of being organised.
    well there are certain other types of ppl also; one who make decisions instinctively n leave the rest to ..even they don't know what. and others who r plain lazy more than ready to be swept with the tide of fate. {random thoughts , sorry if u find them like ...ughh...}

  • At 11:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey qnb, that was awesome...melikes. No I can't think. Too much sand in my eyes;)

  • At 4:08 PM, Blogger QnB said…

    well abhimanyu, u're absolutely right about that, but sometimes its a pain to overanalyze.

    n geets, that must be the CA beach sand rite?

  • At 9:17 PM, Blogger QnB said…

    u're rite about that pratyus but its easy to trivialise big decisions and vice versa.

    but, my god, do u have maggi for breakfast too?


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